Environment Variables

An .env-file is automatically generated from the .env template If you want to extend the .env file feel free to do so in the generated code

  • or if you want to customize the generated .enf file before it is generated take a look at writing your own templates The generated microservice uses the following environment variables (with their respective default values):
SERVER_URL = "{{ .server.url }}"
LOG_LEVEL = "DEBUG"     # available levels are ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG and TRACE
OPA_RULES= "path/to/admin/policy"

Also per channel the subject will be set via an environment variable:

{channel_name}_SUBJECT = "{subject}"    # for normal pub_sub channels
{channel_name}_QUEUE = "{subject}"      # for nats queue channels
{channel_name}_STREAM = "{subject}"     # for nats jetstream channels

And for OPA

OPA_ENABLED = false                 # choose if OPA should be enabled
#OPA_REMOTE_URL = "localhost:4042"  # pick the url for an opa server
#OPA_LOCAL_WASM_PATH = "some/path"  # pick the path of a to wasm compiled rego file